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Krinsky v. Doe 6, 159 Cal. App. 4th 1154

California Court of Appeals










Application Of The Actual Malice Standard

Quick Notes

Internet Blog Message posts were not actionable because there assertions were not of actual fact.

Book Name

Torts Cases, Problems, And Exercises.  Weaver, Third Edition.  ISBN:  978-1-4224-7220-0.



o         Whether message board posts expressing non-actual facts are actionable?  No.




o         Denied Motion to Quash


o         Reversed The Df - assertions did NOT constitute assertions of actual fact and were not actionable.





o         Pl - Krinsky

o         Df - Doe 6

What happened?

o         Krinsky was the president, chairman of the board, and the chief operating officer of SFBC.

o         Doe 6, aka Senor-Pinche-Wey made various insulting, immature, satirical and vulgar remarks on the Yahoo financial message board for this company.


o         Served subpoena on Yahoos Record Custodian.

o         Yahoo notified Doe 6 to comply with subpoena or file a motion to quash.

o         Doe 6 filed motion to squash.

Trial Court

o         Denied Motion to Quash.

Anonymous Constitutional History (Public Policy)

o         Judicial recognition of the constitutional right to publish anonymously is a long-standing tradition.

o         The decision in favor of anonymity may be motivated by fear of economic or official retaliation, by concern about social ostracism, or merely by a desire to preserve as much of one's privacy as possible.


First Amendment Anonymous Aspect

o         An author's decision to remain anonymous is an aspect of the freedom of speech protected by the First Amendment.


Relatively Anonymous & Relaxed Style of the Internet

o         IPS can identify you.

o         Relaxed community.  Users are able to engage freely in informal debate.



o         When vigorous criticism descends into defamation, however, constitutional protection is no longer available


Procedures to File A complaint

o         May seek redress by filing suit against their unknown detractors.

o         Once notified of a lawsuit by the Web site host or ISP, a defendant may then assert his or her First Amendment right to speak anonymously through an application for a protective order or, as here, a motion to quash the subpoena.


Four-part test to ensure that plaintiffs do not use discovery to harass, intimidate or silence critics in the public forum opportunities presented by the Internet.


Four-Part Internet Discovery Test

o         First, the plaintiff must make an effort to notify the anonymous poster that he or she is the subject of a subpoena or application for a disclosure order, giving a reasonable time for the poster to file opposition.

o         The plaintiff must also set forth the specific statements that are alleged to be actionable.

o         Third, the plaintiff must produce sufficient evidence to state a prima facie cause of action.

o         If this showing is made, then the final step should be undertaken: to balance the strength of that prima facie case against the defendant's First Amendment right to speak anonymously.



o         Defamation consists of an unprivileged publication of false statements which naturally and proximately result in injury to another.


Doe 6 questioning credentials and personal relationship between Krinsky and officers

o         Cannot be interpreted as asserting or implying objective facts


Doe 6 Mega Scum Bag.  La Cucaracha.  Where there is one cockroach

o         The Pl is not referred to by name or title and cannot be interpreted as actual fact.


Doe 6 boobs, losers and crocks

o         This irrational, vituperative [abusive censor] expression of contempt of the officers and their supporters.

o         Juvenile name-calling cannot reasonably be read as stating actual facts.


Doe 6 Will reciprocate sex acts with Lisa even though she has fat thighs

o         Unquestionably vulgar, but it was not imparting knowledge of actual facts to the reader.


Courts Reasoning

o         The fact that society may find speech offensive is not a sufficient reason for suppressing it.

o         While unquestionably offensive and demeaning to plaintiff, did not constitute assertions of actual fact and therefore were not actionable under Florida's defamation law.



o         The order denying Doe 6's motion to quash the subpoena is reversed.

o         The trial court is directed to enter a new order quashing the subpoena to the extent that it commands Yahoo! to disclose the identity of Senor_Pinche_Wey.

o         Doe 6 is entitled to his costs on appeal.


Class Notes

Internet Blog Message posts were not actionable because there assertions were not of actual fact.


o        The court is balancing the 1st amendment protection v. the right of the P to cover for defamation.


Public Policies Behind Allowing Anonymous Publishing

o        A way to get controversial things across by persecuted groups (i.e., comes from the Revolutionary Times).

o        The constitutional right to publish anonymously is a long-standing tradition.

o        Publishing anonymously may be motivated by fear of economic or official retaliation, by concern about social ostracism, or merely by a desire to preserve as much of one's privacy as possible.


Relaxed Style of the Internet

o         Relaxed community.  Users are able to engage freely in informal debate.


First Amendment Anonymous Aspect

o         An author's decision to remain anonymous is an aspect of the freedom of speech protected by the First Amendment.


Four-Part Internet Discovery Test

o         We have the below test to make sure Pl - do not use discovery to harass, intimidate or silence critics in the public forum the opportunities presented by the Internet.


  1. The Pl must make an effort to notify the anonymous poster that he or she is the subject of a subpoena or application for a disclosure order, giving a reasonable time for the poster to file opposition.
  2. The Pl - must also set forth the specific statements that are alleged to be actionable.
  3. The Pl - must produce sufficient evidence to state a prima facie cause of action.
  4. If third step is show, then balance the strength of that prima facie case against the defendant's First Amendment right to speak anonymously.


The 3rd prong was not MET in this case.

o        Did not constitute assertions of actual fact and therefore were not actionable under defamation law.

o        A lot of the statements were not of or concerning the P


Why did she name them as Doe defendants?  Because the names are anonymous.


Why did she sue in Florida?  Because it was a diversity cause and she could sue from Florida defendants in California.


Subpoena It a writ for the Df to produce documents.


Motion to Quash A writ to squash


Subpoena is only good for a certain radius.  California is where Yahoo who is.